viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Classless Society

Classless Society
Hi Bloggers, I speak about the social issues in specific the class. I think is relevant the class because, this topic mark difference in the society surrounding the money, education, health, between others.  The class is the one form of discrimination, because the people bully the other people for this situation.

The government create a class for the differential pay in the society and the access the goods and services for example the worker class cannot access the same service which the high class. The high class can access the better basic services and attention which the middle class and worker class.

The high class in Chile earn very much money approximately the 25 % of all wealth of the country concentred in 4000 families.

My personal opinion about this topic is very critical, because the class society had dilapidated the relations between the persons with more discrimination, different and violence in this. For me should not exist the class society, because the people was more happy and more calm, the countries was more justice and more easy access basic services for all people.

In my opinion the actually system of class is too bad for the worker class and the homeless, because the structure is more evil depriving few people of the goods and service in the city for haven’t the money, do his life a torture and miserable and for opposite part the high class enjoy of luxury and tha good life in big house and expensive cars.

I believe the free access basic services as health, education, transport and food create the better scenery for the classless society. The government should order this elements and the persons follow someone rules and maybe the new system can operate, this progress for better quality of life.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The internet

The Internet Good or Bad ?

Hello bloggers my name is Javier Torres and today I speak about the internet and his benefits and pernicious for boys and girls between 12 and 15 years. Internet you can find all kinds of things can be said to have almost infinite information but that does not mean that everything is useful, true or healthy all depends on the control that is available on this tool especially when it comes to the use by children between 12 and 15 years, the parents should monitor Internet use to ensure proper use of this media.
The access the internet is more massive in those times, the internet is cheaper before of the year 2000. The access the internet is dangerous for the children, because in internet have many fake information and they are exposed the bad people what search abuse of fragile boys and girls.

The technology instrument what have internet cause dependency in the young people because they have the news in one time, dependence they have mobile phones and computers, its technology instrument give immediacy.

I believe over the internet for these persons are very evil, because the children can see information not appropriate. The parents of the children could have the control over internet and the pages visit for his boys.

Boys and girls in this stage are more curious and intrepid; they are visit page like porn pages, chats with unknown people, access the shocking videos and other pages. That situation can cause effect in the conduct of boys and girls transforming them aggressive, introverted, and sad.

In conclusion I believe that the internet can be a very good tool for finding information for homework, but control can be bad because they can see for themselves false or dangerous information

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

My Best Holiday

The best Holiday I’ve ever had

Hello Bloggers, today I speak about my best holiday. This Holiday was in National Park Radal 7 tazas, a beautiful place what visit with my family in February in 2010. I and my family travel by car even the Molina in the seventh region, when we arrived the place, we stay in a campsite neither of the national park, where we assembled the tents and my father cooked the lunch, for after my brother Alonso, my cousin Luis and me walk by a neither path in a little mountain surrounded for trees and vegetation is a beautiful place for visit.
The principal attractions in the place are seven wells of clear water; more people go to visit, this very popular in Chile. The food and the people in that place are not important for me because I didn’t spoke with they and we ate the food what cook my father. The path for arrive the site where you can see the wells is too long and steep, I get tired in this adventure, but I believe It was worth,  It is an amazing site, because the nature had much surprise and that is a one.
We stayed in the campsite one week, rested and enjoyed of this natural environment. The first day and the ultimate day, we went the National Park, the other days we visited the Claro River, this river is very clear and cold, visited the Molina city for buy a meal and other things. In this travel I realize what I don’t knew more places of Chile, I wanted know more of my country.
The Ultimate day was birthday for my father in 26 of February, that day we comeback the home, he think in celebrate this event the next day, but in the morning was the earthquake.   

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


The Final BLOG
Hi Bloggers, I speak today about the blogger experience. This blog is the final in the class. In the start of activity I write the blog a few boring, because I have more difficult with de English language and I have a little idea. Generally I don’t like the work in the computer, because I think over this, It is very bored for me. With the time I like write the blog, because is an original form of learn the English is a challenge of learning for me. I dislike write about the 27F, because was a hard moment for the country and I don’t remember someone things. I enjoyed the blogger experience, because this is very useful in the formation as geographer where I have written the articles in the future in English. I like write about my hobby because am very easy write about something what love. I believe what the class is very interactive with a blog and more funny, but maybe better what we could have more instruments in the other English signature for do the blog. I believe what We could sing a song for learn the language in the university. And this is all over The Blogs.


jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

My Uncle

My uncle Sergio
Hi Bloggers, Today I speak over my uncle Sergio Ramirez. He is my favourite family member, because this man teaches much things and He is very honest with me about my studies, my life and the questions which I do. My uncle teach me someone thing over electricity because he is technician in electricity and he take me and the tools, we went work in houses the other persons with electric troubles in your houses. I like of my uncle is very funny and he has a good humour in all situation, but sometimes he can irritating for other persons.
Our relationship is very good, because we are similar personality and taste the same things for example the football, the beer and the politic thinking, but We don’t see in more time, because I am very busy with work for university and he is very occupied for your girlfriend and the work. I think what I don’t see can is good like this we have much things for speak and We happen a good moment together in anyone places.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

The Earthquake

The 27 F
Hi Bloggers Today I am speak of the 27 F and my situation in this moment. I was arrive my house nearby of 1:00 am after I drunk someone beer with my friends. I watch the summary of European goals in the TV; even I remember a goal of Diego Milito for Inter, when it began an earthquake, first I was relax, I think like is the small and brief earthquake and then the electricity are leave, since then I knew is the serious situation, And my mother ran to the door in the kitchen she was very scare, my grandmother was relax, it was strange. The earthquake hadn’t consequence for me and my family, the house put up the phenomenon the good form.
My friends neither consequence in the earthquake, the next day we gather for speak over the incident, and we together calm and laugh after the incident.  The moment comeback the electricity I watch TV and look the devastation I feel the stranger sensation, because the destruction was unreasonable in the south of Chile, in Talcahuano, in Concepcion, in Cauquenes, etc. Much people in the street without house and  more people dead under and over rubles in this zone.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014



Italy: Storia y Passione
Hi bloggers, today I write about of the country I like visit is Italy because I like the pasta, the language, the climate, history and football or as they say the “calcio”. I know Italy for the TV since child. I like the Italian architecture because is very ancient and very interesting for your long and glorious history since the Roman Empire until currently. I like the language, because is similar to Spanish and I don’t understand why I like but is attractive for me. I like the Italian food especially the pastas because is delicious and suit with all condiments, meal, fish or vegetables. The bad is you eat much pasta in the one month you flesh out, you are very fat in few time. I think what the best of Italy is the calcio, because is very passionate and tactic football. The places for visit in Italy is the Roman Coliseum, the Olympic stadium in Roma, Church of San Salvador and the Beach the south of Italy for example Capri’s beach and Ravenna’s beach. The climate in Italy is very comfortable for me, because is as central Chile, with conditions for produce a good wine and good fruit. Finally the persons in this country according to rumour are very beautiful and friendly.


jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Hi bloggers, today I write about my favourite song is Sapo Marcelo by Sordidos, the song is mix between rock and classic music, is amazing mixture in the world. I listen the sapo Marcelo in the 2 years ago because my friend  max show  his  song  and I believe that  it is a good song. I like the sapo Marcelo, because his lyric is very beautiful and reach in my main and I enjoy this treasure in my life. I considered very important, motivate be to listen again and again I am addicted to the song. That bad is the only song by sórdidos, I am disappointed of the band because wait more songs for my happiness. That song is very exotic for me why I don’t listen music but the Sapo Marcelo is the best song in the universe in the world I love this song.
I prefer the sport over the music.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

The football: the bestlife style

The Football

Hi ladies and gentleman today I write of football.  The football is the best sport in the world, is most popular what Jesus and Ala. The football was invented in Victorian UK, in nineteen century. Since then the football arrive the south America in the European boats in the ports in the Atlantic ocean, where born the best players football in the world, as Ronaldo, Diego Maradona, Marcelo Salas, Luis Suarez, etc. I like the South American Football because the players  have a good skill and very fast team game, the football here in South America is than better than European. The European Football is only money for buy much South American football players for give the spectacle your bored game. I like the football because is the team game in where share the happiness and sadness, and I know my friends with the football. I play and see football in 2001 and I like and love at first sight of that great game.
My favourite team is Universidad de Chile, in this year be the bad campaign in the national championship, I very angry with this situation, the team has a bad game and bad attitude.
I think what word soccer is SHIT!!!  

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

the Twenty Five


The 25

Hi bloggers, today I write over the game I really like his name is 25, I don’t remember when learn, but suppose I learn the game when I am 7 years old in the Street in that I used to live, I played this game with my friends and my classmate in the school or in the field with the others friends, the 25 is very funny. I enjoyed the game, because is a very dinamic and passionate in adittion anyone can play the 25 it has easy rulers and you can modify according between players. The last opportunity what I played this game was in the FAU with my Classmates and I really enjoyed the game I laugh with and run behind the ball in the field. I like the 25 because you need single ball and spirit for can play the 25. Is very important in this activity the care with fall.


jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Punta de Tralca is the best beach


Punta de Tralca is the best beach

Hi, bloggers
Today , I write about the beach punta de tralca, I like that beach because it  has the fast wind and the big rocks is amazing. The beach is the south  of El quisco in región of Valparaiso, Chile. I went  the place around of 3 years ago,then I went  the cementery for see the tomb of grandfather is near of the beach , and this moment i meet punta de tralca and walk over the fine and clear sand around of 20 minutes for edge coastal.
 I feel the wind in my face and the sea in my  foots  it is very pleasant, then  I walked, climb and jump over the rocks that like very much with my brother and finally the return of the  car, we slowly walked enjoyed the wind  and  the sea once again.

I like see the rocks and the sea connected for the nature.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Day of Glory


Day of Glory

Today, I speak of a special match of football in 14th of December of 2011 in Stadium National, in Santiago of Chile him live the party, in that day is the final match between Liga Universitaria de Quito and Universidad de Chile and My cousin Luis and me  are in the stadium as universidad de chile fan, wait begin to the match. The match end 3-0, win the sudamerican cup the club universidad de chile in the full stadium . I love the soccer and that is very good momento for me, I very happy after the match and after the night and more days . the momento in the match is when the second goal and all people (except ecuadorian people) in the stadium celebrate a goal of Gustavo Lorenzetti , my cousin Luis push me and almost collapse in the galery over people, In the day nothing dislike for me.



jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

My Friend _Mono


Hi My Readers
Today I'm going to talk about my friend Alvaro, Mono is his nickname. the first time see was in 1998, I 'm 5 years in the moment  and Mono same. Mono is a neibour in the village where we live, I know Mono long time ago, almost 15 years  . We are playing soccer, videogames and many things, that during our childhood, now we are other things like drink a beer , and more beer . I like Mono is relax and happy man and you aren't serious. Mono has long and black hair, a square face and a Brown skin, he is tall and skinny. we think in diferent forms for create a shop of American clothes with use of social web and sell a friends and new persons interested in that product. Mono and me now can't visit, both a student in the university, and I haven't the time for see with Mono, like that talk for facebook or whatsapp sometimes.  I dislike of mono, he is a negligent man, for agreement, for example when has arrive early some place he always is delay a one hour or two hour, that is very disagreeable for me. I dislike wait for someone.


miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Moyes can relax

The night of wednesday after victory in Champions League David Moyes can say your players football helped with good match. A victory the 3-0 adventage over Olympiakos, in the game marked for upper-level performance of the team, more that for habilities of the mister, who is incapable of motivate his team.