jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

The Earthquake

The 27 F
Hi Bloggers Today I am speak of the 27 F and my situation in this moment. I was arrive my house nearby of 1:00 am after I drunk someone beer with my friends. I watch the summary of European goals in the TV; even I remember a goal of Diego Milito for Inter, when it began an earthquake, first I was relax, I think like is the small and brief earthquake and then the electricity are leave, since then I knew is the serious situation, And my mother ran to the door in the kitchen she was very scare, my grandmother was relax, it was strange. The earthquake hadn’t consequence for me and my family, the house put up the phenomenon the good form.
My friends neither consequence in the earthquake, the next day we gather for speak over the incident, and we together calm and laugh after the incident.  The moment comeback the electricity I watch TV and look the devastation I feel the stranger sensation, because the destruction was unreasonable in the south of Chile, in Talcahuano, in Concepcion, in Cauquenes, etc. Much people in the street without house and  more people dead under and over rubles in this zone.

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