jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

the Twenty Five


The 25

Hi bloggers, today I write over the game I really like his name is 25, I don’t remember when learn, but suppose I learn the game when I am 7 years old in the Street in that I used to live, I played this game with my friends and my classmate in the school or in the field with the others friends, the 25 is very funny. I enjoyed the game, because is a very dinamic and passionate in adittion anyone can play the 25 it has easy rulers and you can modify according between players. The last opportunity what I played this game was in the FAU with my Classmates and I really enjoyed the game I laugh with and run behind the ball in the field. I like the 25 because you need single ball and spirit for can play the 25. Is very important in this activity the care with fall.


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