jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The internet

The Internet Good or Bad ?

Hello bloggers my name is Javier Torres and today I speak about the internet and his benefits and pernicious for boys and girls between 12 and 15 years. Internet you can find all kinds of things can be said to have almost infinite information but that does not mean that everything is useful, true or healthy all depends on the control that is available on this tool especially when it comes to the use by children between 12 and 15 years, the parents should monitor Internet use to ensure proper use of this media.
The access the internet is more massive in those times, the internet is cheaper before of the year 2000. The access the internet is dangerous for the children, because in internet have many fake information and they are exposed the bad people what search abuse of fragile boys and girls.

The technology instrument what have internet cause dependency in the young people because they have the news in one time, dependence they have mobile phones and computers, its technology instrument give immediacy.

I believe over the internet for these persons are very evil, because the children can see information not appropriate. The parents of the children could have the control over internet and the pages visit for his boys.

Boys and girls in this stage are more curious and intrepid; they are visit page like porn pages, chats with unknown people, access the shocking videos and other pages. That situation can cause effect in the conduct of boys and girls transforming them aggressive, introverted, and sad.

In conclusion I believe that the internet can be a very good tool for finding information for homework, but control can be bad because they can see for themselves false or dangerous information

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Javier No Torres!! ... I agree much with what you say, although I do not know if for all the children this dependence takes place (perhaps only it happens in big cities), there are children in other places that still play with ground and amuse themselves as we did it in the 90'

  2. Javier,
    WC: 293. Very Good. Godd start, good introduction. Check the way you develop the point of Internet being cheaper and the bad people behind it. Please, pay attention to the edition of your text:
    …today I’ll speak about the internet and ITS (his) benefits and pernicious INFLUENCE for boys and girls between 12 and 15 years. ON THE Internet you can find all kinds of things. IT can be said to have …

    The accessTO the internet is more massive in (those) THESE times, the internet is cheaper THAN before (of the year) 2000. The access TO (the) internet is dangerous for the children, because ON THE (in) internet THERE IS A LOT OF (have many) fake information and they are exposed TO (the) bad people WHO (what) INTEND TO ( search) abuse (of) fragile boys and girls.

    (The technology instrument what have internet) INTERNET causeS dependency in (the) young people because …, its technology instrument give immediacy (UNCLEAR).

    I believe (over the internet for these persons are very evil)[UNCLEAR], because (the) children can see information WHICH IS not appropriate. The parents of the children could have the control over internet and the pages visitED (for) BY THEM (his boys).

    … they (are) visit pageS like porn pages, chats with unknown people,
    …That situation can cause effectS in the conduct of boys and girls transforming them IN aggressive, introverted, and sad CHILDREN.

    …, but control can be bad (???) because they can see for themselves false or dangerous information

