jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Hi bloggers, today I write about my favourite song is Sapo Marcelo by Sordidos, the song is mix between rock and classic music, is amazing mixture in the world. I listen the sapo Marcelo in the 2 years ago because my friend  max show  his  song  and I believe that  it is a good song. I like the sapo Marcelo, because his lyric is very beautiful and reach in my main and I enjoy this treasure in my life. I considered very important, motivate be to listen again and again I am addicted to the song. That bad is the only song by sórdidos, I am disappointed of the band because wait more songs for my happiness. That song is very exotic for me why I don’t listen music but the Sapo Marcelo is the best song in the universe in the world I love this song.
I prefer the sport over the music.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

The football: the bestlife style

The Football

Hi ladies and gentleman today I write of football.  The football is the best sport in the world, is most popular what Jesus and Ala. The football was invented in Victorian UK, in nineteen century. Since then the football arrive the south America in the European boats in the ports in the Atlantic ocean, where born the best players football in the world, as Ronaldo, Diego Maradona, Marcelo Salas, Luis Suarez, etc. I like the South American Football because the players  have a good skill and very fast team game, the football here in South America is than better than European. The European Football is only money for buy much South American football players for give the spectacle your bored game. I like the football because is the team game in where share the happiness and sadness, and I know my friends with the football. I play and see football in 2001 and I like and love at first sight of that great game.
My favourite team is Universidad de Chile, in this year be the bad campaign in the national championship, I very angry with this situation, the team has a bad game and bad attitude.
I think what word soccer is SHIT!!!  

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

the Twenty Five


The 25

Hi bloggers, today I write over the game I really like his name is 25, I don’t remember when learn, but suppose I learn the game when I am 7 years old in the Street in that I used to live, I played this game with my friends and my classmate in the school or in the field with the others friends, the 25 is very funny. I enjoyed the game, because is a very dinamic and passionate in adittion anyone can play the 25 it has easy rulers and you can modify according between players. The last opportunity what I played this game was in the FAU with my Classmates and I really enjoyed the game I laugh with and run behind the ball in the field. I like the 25 because you need single ball and spirit for can play the 25. Is very important in this activity the care with fall.


jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Punta de Tralca is the best beach


Punta de Tralca is the best beach

Hi, bloggers
Today , I write about the beach punta de tralca, I like that beach because it  has the fast wind and the big rocks is amazing. The beach is the south  of El quisco in región of Valparaiso, Chile. I went  the place around of 3 years ago,then I went  the cementery for see the tomb of grandfather is near of the beach , and this moment i meet punta de tralca and walk over the fine and clear sand around of 20 minutes for edge coastal.
 I feel the wind in my face and the sea in my  foots  it is very pleasant, then  I walked, climb and jump over the rocks that like very much with my brother and finally the return of the  car, we slowly walked enjoyed the wind  and  the sea once again.

I like see the rocks and the sea connected for the nature.